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Target Access Point Ambassador (TAPA)


The Target Access Point Ambassador (TAPA) is the main interface user applications can use to interact with Meridio. The TAPA is a local service running in the user pod as a side-car container. User applications can connect to the TAPA server via a unix socket file shared via a volume. Once connected to the server, user applications can consume the TAPA API via three different function: Open/Close/Watch. The proto file of the TAPA can be found here.

The watch function allows user applications to monitor the streams opened on the pod and check their status.

Open/Close handling

The open process takes place in 3 steps:

  1. Connect to the trench if not already connected.
  2. Connect to the conduit if not already connected.
  3. Register to target registry if not already registered.

While a conduit is opened, the TAPA will monitor the VIP addresses in the trench via the NSP and update the connection to NSM by including the VIPs addresses in the IP Context. Thus, NSM will update the connection and add/remove IP addresses from the conduit target network interface.

The close process takes place in 3 steps:

  1. Unregister itself from the NSP Target registry.
  2. Close the conduit if no more stream opened in the conduit.
  3. Disconnect from the trench (disconnect from NSP) if no more conduit opened. If for some reason

The only error the TAPA can return is to indicate to the client that the pod is already connected to another trench. Indeed, a pod cannot be connected to more than one trench at a time.





While a stream is opened, the TAPA has to refresh its registration to the target registry to not be considered as a "ghost" entry and then to not be removed automatically.

To achieve the refresh, the TAPA will update its target with the same properties by calling the Register function regularly. After the call, the TAPA will check if the target is still in the ENABLED status for the target registry. If not, it means the target registry has previously removed the target and consider the last register call as a new entry, so it has overwritten the status to DISABLED. The TAPA will then start the registeration process a new time to register itself with a unique identifier.



Environment variableTypeDescriptionDefault
MERIDIO_NAMEstringName of the podnsc
MERIDIO_NODEstringNode name the target is running on
MERIDIO_NAMESPACEstringNamespace the trenches to connect to are running ondefault
MERIDIO_SOCKETstringPath of the socket file of the TAPA/ambassador.sock
MERIDIO_NSM_SOCKETurl.URLPath of the socket file of NSMunix:///var/lib/networkservicemesh/
MERIDIO_NSP_SERVICE_NAMEstringDomain name of the NSP Servicensp-service
MERIDIO_NSP_SERVICE_PORTintport of the NSP Service7778
MERIDIO_TIMEOUTtime.Durationtimeout of NSM request/close, NSP register/unregister...15s
MERIDIO_DIAL_TIMEOUTtime.Durationtimeout to dial NSMgr5s
MERIDIO_MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIMEtime.Durationmaximum lifetime of tokens24h
MERIDIO_NSP_ETRY_TIMEOUTtime.DurationTimeout of the entries registered in NSP30s
MERIDO_GRPC_MAX_BACKOFFtime.DurationUpper bound on gRPC connection backoff delay5s
MERIDIO_GRPC_PROBE_RPC_TIMEOUTtime.DurationRPC timeout of internal gRPC health probes if any1s

Command Line

--helpDisplay a help describing
--versionDisplay the version
--debugPrints meridio-version, unix-time, network-interfaces, rules, route, neighbors, system information, and environment-variables in a json format


Here are all components the tapa is communicating with:

SpireTBDUnix SocketObtain and validate SVIDs
NSMyes (mTLS)Unix SocketRequest/Close/Watch connections
NSP Serviceyes (mTLS)TCPWatch configuration. Register/Unregister targets
User ApplicationnoUnix SocketProvide TAPA service

An overview of the communications between all components is available here.

Health check

The health check is provided by the GRPC Health Checking Protocol. The status returned can be UNKNOWN, SERVING, NOT_SERVING or SERVICE_UNKNOWN.

LivenessA unique service to be used by liveness probe to return status, can aggregate other lesser services
StartupA unique service to be used by startup probe to return status, can aggregate other lesser services
ReadinessA unique service to be used by readiness probe to return status, can aggregate other lesser services
AmbassadorSvcLivenessMonitor status of the Ambassador server


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